It was a happy birthday indeed for Bayo Adeleke, who celebrated turning 23 with a star-studded party on Thursday night at D'PLACE LEKKI Lagos. One face that was notably absent from the festivities, however? Oh, just his big bro SINARAMBO. Celebrities present were; TUFACE, SOLIDSTAR, KCEE, SHANKS, JAYMAVIN, FLOWSSICK, AY, DJ EXCLUSIVE etc
Humble Bayo took out his time for a photo shoot with a crippled fan...Really amazing
MORE PICS AFTER THE CUT..........................
Humble B_RED and a crippled fan
DJ Exclusive and celebrity blogger; Yemi
DJ Olu HKN, O.B.O with Shank behind them
JJC performing with a live band
Tu baba in the building |
B-red and King Jhafi after the party |
Party on fire |
B-red with body guards |
Solid Star |
Q.Dot |
Shank and B-red after the party |